It tastes just like I dreamt it would.

Hello out there in internet land. Not that I think that we really have any dedicated readers who tune in with any sense of regularity, but incase I am wrong I thought it'd be nice to let you all know what we here at JaR have been doing while we neglect this blog.Frank...

I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride it where I like.

Hello there! It has been a while! As Frank stated, summer trips and all that. This is actually concerning my particular journey across the pond to jolly ol' England. While I wouldn't admit it before, I was having a pretty bad losing streak with 40k before my trip. So...

Happiness is a Warm Gun

Hello all, fancy seeing you here. I figured it was time for another post since no one else seems to have anything to talk about. I have a feeling that may change with more and more rumors pouring out about 6th edition and the fact that it may be coming out soon...

The Lunatic is on the Grass.

I like starting with a little greeting instead of just jumping right in there. My “personal touch” if you will. If you really could care less about this just skip to the next paragraph. I mentioned what I was listening to last time, this time I’m listening to Counting...