by Rich | Apr 20, 2011
So as I work my way out of Stracraft 2 and WOW my mind has been turning back to 40k lately and I'm torn on what I wish to construct and/or finish constructing. A few ideas to bounce off of you:-Continue on with the Word Bearers (Space Wolves)-Ever since I started on...
by Rich | Apr 20, 2011
Hell It's about damn timeYes indeed I have been playing WOW this whole time. Yes I'm still alive. The WOW sickness has finally lifted enough for other things in my life turning into a 2 times a week thing instead of an every waking moment thing. So naturally I finally...
by Rich | Jan 12, 2011
We are currently experiencing Technical Difficulties, please stand by.As the WoW virus continues it's infection of Rich his 40k work has fallen by the wayside. Though there is a crack of light finally piercing through the clouds as he just bought Prospero Burns which...
by Rich | Jan 3, 2011
"I'll get my wife hooked on World of Warcraft too. That way I can't play it all the time and have to work on other stuff like, eating, bathing, cleaning... oh yeah and 40k too!" That was the plan and it worked out great because indeed she is now hooked on WoW as well....
by Rich | Dec 30, 2010
Just this past weekend I joined the House of Paincakes Blog Network and yesterday my Chaos Sorcerer was number one on their weekly top 10! ....err I mean top six. Anyway I just wanted to offer them my thanks. It's so damn flattering when someone likes your work let...