Infinity – ALEPH Deva Functionary plus Devabot

 Another Deva Functionary, this time with her synch-buddy/bodyguard, the Devabot. I'm not 100% sold on the green hair. I might go back and change it later. We'll see.why so serious etc etc

Infinity – ALEPH Deva Functionary

Next up is the Deva Functionary from the Aleph starter set. Not a bad sculpt, although the hair is little unnatural looking. So, I painted it black and it looks fne from the tabletop ;)I don't know what she's standing on. Some type of fancy sci-fi lunchbox?

Infinity – ALEPH Naga Hacker

I've been painting Infinity stuff like mad recently. It's a lot of fun to paint and a nice change from the overwhelmingly huge army projects of 40k.Today I managed to get outside into some semi-decent light and take some pictures of what I've got painted so far....
My workspace

My workspace

It's been a while!Recently, I moved to a new apartment, so I've been getting my new work space set up. Also my order for a bunch of ALEPH stuff arrived, so I've been building that. I hate working with metal. Plastic for life.Anyway, everything is built now and I can...
Dark Eldar Venom

Dark Eldar Venom

After the first squad was done I knew I needed to get started on the vehicles. I hate painting anything bigger than infantry, but I quite enjoyed the venom. I think I was a little heavy on the washes so it looks a little strange on the large flat surfaces, but overall...