Elven Battle Company – Third Mission Battle Report

Another week locked up, another battle report!Again, this particular battle was based on a scenario that Don put up at the OSBGL (OSBGL battle report) with the difference that for my son we wanted it to be a little easier so used goblins instead of orcs. Over the...

Elven Battle Company – Mission 2 Battle Report

Mission 2!I stole the idea for this mission from Don's very excellent series of Battle Company reports that you can watch here on YouTube: OSBGL Battle Report.Ithilgalad and her team travel north to locate the missing Hobbit and his friends. Travelling through...

Golden King of Abrakhan and Entourage

The Golden King and Entourage project is now complete (actually it's been complete for a bit, but I haven't posted it until now!)The King is supported by his two "robust" guards and accompanied by seven "tough chicks" as my wife and son like to call them. Given...

Elven Battle Company – First Report

My son asked for an Elven battle company so at Christmas (and his birthday which comes just after) we got a whole heap of elves. It has taken since then for me to get them painted up! He's super into Lord of the Rings and we even got out a Sindarin dictionary (well,...

It’s all about that base

I've taken a few days off to make for a long Easter break and help settle my son into a new home schooling system since COVID-19 has caused our schools to close up! So with all my new green grass and stuff we thought we'd rebase some of my miniatures.We started with...