Adeptus Titanicus – Terrain – Civitas Imperialis

Hello all, thanks for dropping by. I recently finished some Adeptus Titanicus terrain for my mini titans to fight over. These are the Games Workshop Civitas Imperialis set. Not much in a single set, but combined with some others and the Spires set should give...

Genestealer Cults – Purestrain Genestealers

Welcome readers, thanks for dropping by. Following on from my long overdue Genestealer test scheme of  2017, I have adapted the paint scheme to the new contrast paints to speed up the process and dirtied up the original to match the Skeleton Horde flesh base....

Imperial Agents – Grey Knight Strike Squad #2

Hello Readers, thanks for dropping by, a long overdue project from 2018 when I bought a small Grey Knight force from Jeff at Beard Bunker blog, and have been adding to or quietly putting to one side for an eventual force... at the moment its purely a display cabinet...

Relictors Chapter Space Marines – Redemptor Dreadnought

Welcome back to the blog, thanks for dropping by. I'm having trouble leaving comments for others using my iPad so apologies if you have one of the blogs in my sidebar and lack comments, I am reading your fine materials. Anyway, I've finally built and painted a...