Grey Knights: How to Counter?

    With the Grey Knights coming out soon, we will probably be seeing tons of codex grey miniatures, along with all kinds of counts as armies based off this codex. I know that at least two friend's of mine are going to get into the Grey Knights, one of...

Crazy Tournament Results

Well, I went, I saw, and I didn't quite conquer. However, seeing as it was my first tournament, I was pleasantly surprised to come in 5th-4th! I ended up facing Deathwing (and losing horribly), Ultramarines (and winning handily), and Space Wolves (and coming very...

Crazy Tournament: Mission 3 – Open War

Mission 3 of the Crazy Tournament is Pitched Battle, with 3 objectives on the center board line. You score points by controlling objectives, having more kill points, and killing off all HQ choices. These are some of the tactics I plan to employ:1)Sit back and shoot. I...

Crazy Tournament Tactics: Mission 2 – Border Skirmish

Mission 2 of the Crazy Tournament is Spearhead, with points being scored by controlling table quarters, Victory Points, and destroying all your opponent's Fast Attack choices. Some of the tactics that I will be using are as follows:1)Put everything deep in my...

Crazy Tournament Tactics: Mission 1 – Midnight Raid

Mission 1 of the Crazy Tournament is Dawn of War, with the points being scored by having troops in your opponent's deployment zone, destroying a communications array, and wiping out your opponent's heavy support.Some of the tactics I intend to employ go as...