On the Sisters of Battle and Female Space Marines…

One of the perennial debates of the hobby is whether or not there should be female Space Marines. To me, the answer is some mix of “Obviously yes” and “Belisarius Cawl is sitting right there”. But leaving that aside, one of the common...

Five Parsecs Turn 6: Money For Nothing

A combination of being busy and being sick has meant missing a couple scheduled games recently, and I’ve been wanting to actually see some of the cyberpunk terrain I’ve been working on on the tabletop…so this seems like a good time for another Five...

Five Parsecs Turn 5: The Crew’s First Loss

When we last left the crew of the Azure Dawn, they were about to embark on a mission for a VIP, Hiram Nox, escorting him to a dead drop in the rather unpleasantly crime ridden world of Nocarth. How’d that turn out? Well, as the title suggests…not well. The...

Five Parsecs: New Planet, Who Dis?

So it’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything 5 Parsecs related, because it’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything. There are reasons for that – everything is fine, but I’m also tired in my soul. And I’ve been (thankfully)...

NOVA Open 2022: Grognard Edition

I’ve recently gotten back from my first NOVA Open – and the first NOVA Open in a couple of years thanks to COVID-19. With a focus on Heresy and Specialist Games, rather than the more mainline GW games, how was the experience? The Itinerary This year has...