2023 Year End Review

 It is 2024! Let's review what I finished in 2024! #artistvsart2023I'm going to let the pictures do the talking. Each title is a link to the finished project where you can find all you might want to know about how I painted these things and the processes...

End of the Year

 Happy New Year! And all that goes with it. Good old end of the year reflecting. I've spent the last few months thinking about the Hobby and what I want to do with it. I'm working very hard on a career change, so I haven't had much energy for hobbying, and this...

Crusader body done

So it is time for the last post of the year and it will be about the Crusader. I did get the Gaunt's ghosts box for Christmas from the wifey but since I built some custom bases for them I have not had time to paint anything. I also have been working a bit on Opus,...

Army Painter – Gamemaster Character Paint Set

Since HeroQuest and games like dungeon crawler have completely captivated me and my kids for several months, I picked up another set of Army Painter paints. This is a set from the Gamemaster line - Character Paint Set. Let's take a look at what's inside and...

Leviathan Terminator Librarian (Part 2)

 Here is more work-in-progress on this chap continuing on from the last post.  In this first pic I added some more white ink, mostly to the hand. White was added to the skull on the ground as well as this dude's face. Base coats were also applied to the...