Relictors Terminator Chaplain Tarentus – Chaplain #11

Hello Readers, thanks for dropping by. I have a great love for Space Marine Chaplains, I have numerous Chaplains, old and new, and this is my third Terminator Chaplain after the Limited Edition Terminator Chaplain and the original metal Terminator Chaplain.Chaplain...

MIGAWKA – 2024

A quick report from the 2nd edition of the figurine painting competition in Łódź, which took place on April 20, 2024.Szybka relacja z 2 edycji konkursu malarstwa figurkowego w Łodzi, który odbył się 20 kwietnia 2024 roku. READ MORE »

Dry palette – yes or not? (Redgrass Glass Palette)

Today, some memories, some reflections about the palette. There won't be another wet palette review :) Today I'm talking about the classic "dry" palette.Dzisiaj trochę wspomnień, trochę rozważań nad paletą. Nie nie będzie kolejnej recenzji mokrej...

Bori the Bloody (Part 1)

Primed and ready.I had a creative itch the other day. And with a dash of boldness as well. I decided I wanted a khorne specific Daemon Prince, but with my current situation I don't have the disposable income to just go get one. But then I remembered I had a bunch of...

Genestealer Brood #2 (Part 1)

 I did not need to build these guys. I have a lot of Genestealers, more than I can currently field in a game, but I wanted a unit that looked very different from the other painted unit. The first unit, or if you prefer brood, that I painted started off life as a...

Genestealer Brood #2 (Part 1)

 I did not need to build these guys. I have a lot of Genestealers, more than I can currently field in a game, but I wanted a unit that looked very different from the other painted unit. The first unit, or if you prefer brood, that I painted started off life as a...