Książnicowe warsztaty malowania figurek vol.5

The fifth meeting of the Toruńskie Pędzle group is behind us. Below is a short photo report.Piąte spotkanie grupy Toruńskie Pędzle już za nami. Poniżej krótka relacja fotograficzna. READ MORE »

INBOX088 – Ograuth (Enigma ENM3052)

A quick look at the "Ograuth" miniature from Enigma Fantasy Miniatures (ENM3052).Szybkie spojrzenie na figurkę "Ograuth" od Enigma Fantasy miniatures (ENM3052). READ MORE »

Trench Crusade: New Antioch Pt 2

 Here are some of the more basic troops for New Antioch with the four Yeomen and two Stormtroopers!Looking forward to getting some games in now haha

‘nids part 371 – #DreadTober Norn Emissary toxic/plasma glow

Afternoon #Warhammer Community I've been #PaintingWarhammerit's with #DreadTober2024 behind us #Nidvember passing without hardly a blog post I thought I'd just give an update on my 'pledge'. Actually it's almost done!All the green glow effects for bio-plasma and toxic...

What happens when you put a teddy bear in a blender?

Well, let's just say that it does not end well for the teddy bear...As you can see, I played my first ever game of Star Wars Legion. My little army got rave reviews from the folks at the shop as it was just 4 models shy of being fully painted. Indeed, one of the FLGS...