The Unspeaking of the Miskatonic Fleet

Ollie succumbed to the chaotic whispers and built a diabolical Word Bearers patrol for the Civil War, embracing the heresy with a thematic force that probably heralds the coming of a larger army. From little details to entire character scratchbuilds, each mini...

The Old World: Archaon!

 Painted up my old Archaon on foot model i've been saving for a rainy day haha:He's large enough to fit in with the newer AoS chaos stuff so will look good leading them as a chaos lord on foot at some point in the future.

Teren do gry Kill Team z boksa Hivestorm

Po ostatnim sukcesie - pomalowaniu obu zabij drużyn z boksa Hivestorm wziąłem się za tereny. Do zestawu dorzuciłem część terenów, które lata temu przygotowałem do gry w Warhammer 40k, ale nie skończyłem, więc raczej przygotowywałem. Ale mniejsza o większe... teraz są...

The Old World: Skinwolves

 Next from the pile of Chaos toys are these Skinwolves:The models aren't great but they will do haha... i will need to get some more Marauders to actually be able to use them as they are locked to The Wolves of The Sea theme force doh!

Książnicowe warsztaty malowania figurek vol.4

The fourth meeting of the Toruńskie Pędzle group is behind us. Below is a short photo report.Czwarte spotkanie grupy Toruńskie Pędzle już za nami. Poniżej krótka relacja fotograficzna. READ MORE »

Murders & Acquisitions, pt. 2

Just a really quick update for today — but I am committed to keeping this place up and running, so that has to count for something, right? Not much time for hobbying lately, but I did take a moment to tweak some of my recent conversions, adding detail to them...

Bugs Continue to Pop: Warhammer 40k Tournament Results

Top 10th edition Warhammer 40k ITC army lists from the largest ITC tournaments from the past weekend. Week 14 of the Pariah Season. The post Bugs Continue to Pop: Warhammer 40k Tournament Results appeared first on The Blood of Kittens Network.