Mk VI Marines, they came by twos….

 o/Currently they're camouflaged to look like Space Wolves.Welp, my Horus Heresy Mk VI marines are all assembled, and I can honestly say: I'm notta fan. Oh sure they look fine and all, rather what I dislike are the way the models are designed. I mean, they're...

30k Blood Angel Artificer Sergeant

 o/I'm getting a serious McDonald's vibe from this guy...Well, this was an experiment to which I'm giving the result a solid 'meh'. In my past experience with 30k, prettymuch every squad sergeant (termies aside) has Artificer Armor in hopes of surviving a...

Heresy progress

It's been a few weeks since the Heresy box launched. I'm still in the process of moving, so haven't had a chance to go as crazy with it as if hoped. I've managed to make a start though, so I figured I'd show you guys what I've been up to: After a ridiculous amount of...

Horus Heresy 2.0 3d Printed Plasma Legionaires

  In the previous post I showed off a couple of the prints, but the next few posts will show the full squads or full 3d printed compliment of models that will be broken down into smaller squads depending on their speciality. The Plasma Legionaires were printed in...

Getting Ready for Horus Heresy 2.0 with my 3D prints

 I have been waiting for the weather to improve and at around 19/20 degrees this last week, I took the plunge and printed off some miniatures. They turned out very well, with only 1 model lost due to my own error with placement on the bed. As I was not expecting...