
I'm getting a serious McDonald's vibe from this guy...

Well, this was an experiment to which I'm giving the result a solid 'meh'. 

In my past experience with 30k, prettymuch every squad sergeant (termies aside) has Artificer Armor in hopes of surviving a challenge for more than 2 seconds. Usually this is paid for in the army list but isn't actually represented on the model. Indeed, how many times is a sergeant put back and exchanged for another marine once it's been realized that the sergeant was accidentally removed as a casualty?

So, what to do? 

Whilst the 9th Legion isn't as vain glorious as their Emperor's Children brethren, it's likely that that bionic arm has glass-ceilinged this guy at the sergeant level of command.

I decided to try and paint most of his armor gold, allowing him to stand apart from his subordinates in his golden arches artificer armor! Hrmm, perhaps I ought to have painted all of his armor gold. Am contemplating that for the Praetor though I'm a bit wary of doing so after this guy. 

Curiously, on the charge his squad will wound on a 2+ thanks to their bayonets, whereas he will only wound on a 3+ with his chainsword (though he will get a reroll due to 'shred').

He does stand out from the...um, crowd. Or rather he will once I finish painting his squad.