You Rebel Scum…

 o/One of these is not like the others...This was originally intended to be my Monday post, that is until I ended up with an unexpected horde of Orks (still sorting that menagerie out btw). Anyways, going along with my earlier Mandalorian post here are the...

Gettin’ back in to da saddle!

 o/AD'MRAL ORKBAR!!For Christmas this year, among other things, Screech gifted me with a bag of 11 3D printed Ork Freebooters. They'll serve as a half dozen Flash Gitz with the rest being folded with my meagre collection of boyz. Those footslogging Freeboterz...

Fun with stencils (Take 2)

o/Can't see it can you?Way, way back in 2016 I bought some stencils from Fallout Hobbies and gave 'em a try. It was kindova disaster. Clearly the stencils were intended to be used with an airbrush rather than a paint brush. Skipping forward to the present and I still...

Dad’s Droid & some Cog Boys

 o/#snodgrassartAt this mini's 70mm-ish scale, the large grassy tufts look like regular ones that you normally see on a 28mm mini's base. First up for this week I have a gone fishin' robot that I painted up for my dad, who's birthday is later this month. I...

The weekly round up…

The ever wily Neverness during last weekend's game. Yes, he has a battle report in the works...  So this week I painted...Actually I didn't do a damned thing right until I took the following photos and then wrote this post. Once again I have Papa Nurgle to...