A Tale of Four …Inquisitors?

It's hard to believe that three years and a few editons of 40K have come and gone since our last post! Other than AirmanG, none of us have really played 40K in the last few years. When the latest edition of 40K was released a month ago, myself, Bossman, Boltergeist,...

A Tale of Von Gamer: Meat and Metal

I bleed you for one and the edge, but what more can I do? Give in to the hunger and savour the best parts of you Meat and metal, all must die All but I… In the comments to the last of these little diatribes I hinted that the imminent release of Codex: Necrons...

A Tale of Von Gamer: Ready To Die

We shoot without a gun, We’ll take on anyone, It’s really nothing new, It’s just a thing we like to do! You’d better get ready to die You’d better get ready to kill You’d better get ready to run, ’cause here we co-o-ome,...

Corehammer Armies: Dale Sibley’s 13th Company Space Wolves

Our Dark Throne tournament back in April was a pleasing experience on a number of levels, the most important of which was that it provided a meeting point for our little community to come together and socialize like functioning humans. To break bread, share a few...

Oath of Moment – Daemons of Nurgle

“The difference between gods and daemons largely depends upon where one is standing at the time” – Argel Tal to Lorgar Aurelian Some time ago, I picked up some of the plastic GW Plague Bearers and an Avatars of War model to use as a Herald (or Daemon Prince) of Nurgle...