Battle for Stones River 2014

Battle for Stones River 2014

$35 Battle for Stones River 2014It's that time of year again! Get your tickets now for our 1863 point Warhammer Tournament, 2014 Battle for Stones River. The event will take place on March 1st in Murfreesboro, TN, at the Lane Rice Agricultural Center. The price per...

WIP: Death Guard Plague Marines

Hey all, back again to show a couple of things I've been working on. There have been rumors and speculation that a few of us here at the Istvaanians will be doing another Tale of Gamers style league soon to get our armies done and some games in. My army of choice at...

A Tale of 6 Gamers Part 4 – Happy Holidays

A Tale of Gamers - Happy Holidays - 12/29/2011With the Holidays here all of us will have a lot going on other than working on our armies. So for the next two weeks we won’t be adding anything new to our armies. Instead, use these two weeks to get everything finished...

A Tale of 6 Gamers – More WiP 1500 point Army photos

Here are a few more photos from our "A Tale of 6 Gamers" event. A big thanks to Bossman for putting together these photo collages and for letting us use his camera! Padguy's Iron Hands are coming along very nicely and the Forge World additions make the army stand out...