Ito and Guild Ball Updates

I had a busy tail end of the week and all wkend so only managed to get these two  finished late last night:Harry the Hat - Union TeamTaisei - The Ito Clan

Beauty and the Bowman

A couple of quickies whilst im sorting the Infinity stuff out:Tamotsu - The Ito Clan (Bushido)Con Exclusive Blindwater Babe (Gatormans)Had these lying around part painted for a couple of months so finished them off as the nuln oil drys on the Infinity guys haha

Unleashing the Ito: Yuui and the Vipers

Its been nearly 6 months since I painted an Ito model, these I picked up on their releases but only just got round to sorting something out for them:   Yuui Ito   Shimogama Vipers
Unleashing the Ito: Mizuki

Unleashing the Ito: Mizuki

Mizuki Ito is finished, just needed to do the basing this morning:   Whilst she might not be able to turn hapless heroes into stone like the real Medusa, she can still put the fear of god into the enemy on the table! She can buff friendlies with the...