Unleashing the Ito: Saburo

Unleashing the Ito: Saburo

This is me back up to date with the Ito: Saburo is a crafty Ashigari who can make himself go camouflaged in terrain, stopping enemies from targeting him with attacks and feats haha
Unleashing the Ito: Yatsumata

Unleashing the Ito: Yatsumata

With all the Cult and Silvermoon stuff ive been painting of late my Ito were feeling a bit neglected! Here is Yatsumata, the giant snake monster that was released in April for the boys in green haha      This was a touch to paint, really...
Unleashing the Ito: Hidoshi

Unleashing the Ito: Hidoshi

Cant believe ive had this guy for two months and not painted him! Bad Rid!  Hidoshi That's my Ito back up to date... till the big snake arrives hehe
Unleashing the Ito: Jade Mamba Guard

Unleashing the Ito: Jade Mamba Guard

Drum roll.......................... and done for the year booooooooooooom!This is the last model I have to paint for 2013, the Jade Mamba Guard for my Ito Clan, a nice addition to the force and im looking forward to trying her out in early 2014 yeah boi!