Thunderhawk Stand has a New Home

 The STL for Mrs. Blackheart's Thunderhawk Stand can now be found at:'s free! So get one now.*Thunderhawk not includedLet The Robot Make SomethingJust Keep an Eye on it

The Boltgun, accept no substitutes

 There are many like it, but this one is mine. 3D printing has hit full sized fun!Mrs. Blackheart has gotten a fancy new Prusa XL, (huge, filament 3D printer) so I found  her a project worthy of it. Who has not wanted a full (human) sized Bolter? Well, I'm...

New Year, New Body

 Famed Necron Overlord Imotekh the Stormlord has already completed his New year's resolution!His brand new sexy (plastic) body is so much more majestic than his old, shorter, Finecast resin form.  Much sharper details as one would expect, and no more living...

Heroes Assembled

 Easily assembled during the course of a movie (Deep Rising) the seven figures of Strike Force Justian are a great looking set. (Looking at at this pic I just noticed I haven't drilled out the sniper rifle barrel. D'oh. I'll fix that forthwith!) Here we have...

New Pile of Grey

 I wasn't kidding when I said the new Leviathan box set has a mountain of plastic in it. 72 brand new sculpts. All push fit. All have great detail, (mostly) easy to assemble, and a great value if you want all of them in your army.The only figures I'm not fan...