Age of Sigmar and New Years Day!

Evening!Missed out on my yearly look back as i was crippled with a migraine on Sunday, and we went to visit friends on Monday... still kept tradition of crashing out well before midnight tho haha.Work has played a massive role in my painting this year, only 764...

Happy New Years: 2018 Pledge

Well happy new years everyone, we crashed out about 10pm but next doors fireworks got us up again to see the clock roll over haha.In 2017 i painted a total of 802 models, down from 2016 but still a mighty haul, ranging from three warmaster armies to walking dead,...

Onwards to 2017!

Happy New Years all, i had got an early night after watching some Guardians of the Galaxy, but ended up seeing midnight as the fireworks from next door woke us up haha!This last year has been the busiest yet, i've managed to paint up 1040 models, smashing the highest...

Happy New Years and goodbye to 2015

Again getting this in early as my cherubs have had us awake since 3am and we definitely wont see midnight in d'oh!Another great year has flown by, ive painted a grand total of 784 models in the last 12 months, including around 350 for clients from space ships to blood...

XP 85 – Top 5 New Years Resolutions for 2015!

Hello, Hello, Hello, Andrew here and today I’ll be talking about my Top 5 Hobby New Years Resolutions for 2015! Also I’ll be covering the move of Xtra Points to the Ohiohammer Prime Feed. We took a vote on this and it’ll be easier for the main...