So long 2023… and thanks for the fish!

Getting this in early as we are off out for the evening... although will most likely be home and asleep before midnight haha.This year has been an odd one for hobbying, as can be seen by only 62 blog posts and 522 models painted... quite a bit less than last year!...

Happy New Years and welcome to 2023!

Happy New Years people! Hopefully this year will see more painting and blog content from me, I've struggled with free time a lot this year as I've taken on more stuff from work and ongoing things at home.I managed to paint 636 models in 2022, covering a lot of...

Welcome to 2022

 Well thats done and dusted so its time to look up and forward for a better year!I failed in my goal of some South American gaming, to many other projects that got in the way sadly... i will come back to hit at some point hehe.I painted 991 models this last year,...

End of the shit that was 2020

 Well thank feck that shit year is done!This year gone I had vowed to reduce my lead mountain, starting 2020 with 735 and finishing with 303... not too bad, and i painted 981 minis on route hehe.Of what remains from the previous year i have my Deepwars glaring at...

Happy New Years from Sneaky Peet!

Getting this in proper early as we are busy today and then have friends over this evening, Happy New Years peeps!Last year i planned to simply reduce my lead mountain! I started the year on 383 and end the year on 359 haha, despite painting up and selling over 600......