Ork Faction Rules Wishlist

The Ork codex for warhammer 40,000 8th edition hasn’t come out yet but with the announcement that Chapter Approved 2017 will include faction rules that means they’re finally getting some rules for their clans! I thought it would be fun to guess what the rules...

Ork Faction Rules Wishlist

The Ork codex for warhammer 40,000 8th edition hasn’t come out yet but with the announcement that Chapter Approved 2017 will include faction rules that means they’re finally getting some rules for their clans! I thought it would be fun to guess what the rules...

Fallen Grey Knights

Hello there, My gaming group has been brainstorming some ideas for Adepticon and we finally settled on an idea! We are totally digging the idea of fallen Grey Knights. The idea being that Chaos wants to mock the ultimate defenders of the human race so they corrupt...

Brainstorming for Adepticon 2012

Hello there, I’ve been in a little bit of a 40k lull after Adepticon. I think the massive amounts of last-minute hobby work burnt me out and I have replaced some of my hobby time with other things like disc golf, board games, and even *gasp* women. Fear not, I...

Amazing New Forgeworld Tau

This is from the Forgeworld mailing list, and it's pretty cool. They've got a hefty heavy Tau Battle Suit coming out soon. Not sure how much it costs, but I may pick one (or two) up for my Tau army. I've already got a Forgeworld suit, and they truly are steps ahead of...