Welcome, All-Father

Welcome, All-Father

A simply delightful surprise arrived in my mailbox this week- my Odin miniature from Oathsworn Miniatures. I don't even know where to begin with it- just look at it.Taking decent photos of unpainted minis is harder than I thought.The All-Father, in all his one-eyed...
Wargods of Olympus KS Arrived!

Wargods of Olympus KS Arrived!

I got a delightful surprise yesterday in my mail box- some fantastic Olympic demigods from Crocodile Games. They did a Kickstarter last summer for Wargods of Olympus. They're the same folks who make Wargods of Aegyptus.They were unexpected because the Kickstarter...

Stonehaven Elves!

Well, Stonehaven is at it again. Less than a month after receiving my fabulous Gnomes Kickstarter rewards, they are back with an Elven Adventurers Box set! More minis and I haven't even painted the first ones yet (because I am a terrible procrastinator).So far,...

Mark of the Wulfen Pack Complete

These guys were so fun to paint that I whipped through them very quickly. I also planned ahead and made a set of bases for them before they were painted, so they're ready for action.After my initial excitement over them, though, I have to say these models are quite...

First Impression of Mark of the Lycan Pack

I've been trying to devise a way to get a handful of models to denote those with Mark of the Wulfen. A box of the OOP GW ones occasional goes up on eBay, but for a ridiculous amount of money. No thanks. A range of other options are out there- everything from cobbling...