Kitbashed Necromunda Gang equipment upgrade

My Necromunda gang, the Berks, benefitted from the 'Underdog' rules from the last scenario, earning enough experience to bring their Gang Rating closer to the other players' at Dreamdealers. The ganger's increases overall are taking them toward a more hand-to-hand...

My Lumbering Behemoth

Finished up my Leman Russ Battletank as part of my 1850 Renegade IG list, and have a quick write up of a local tournament game I was in.  As for the game, it was at 1850 points and I ran my Loganwing drop list (1500 point list) with a guard blob (30 man w./ 3...

The Endless Horde

Typhus will be pleased! While these are not going to be plague zombies, they are counts as guardsman in my larger blob squads. They are mantic games ghouls (as opposed to their version of the zombie) models, and I really think that while they have limited models,...

Hellhound Custom Made

As you can tell, this isnt your out of the box hell hound. I had a spare chimera chassis, and wanted a hellhound, so voila! I made one, and I love the way it turned out. Its to join the ranks of my renegade guard. Time to fry some who follow the false emperor. To...

The Beastmen NEED MOAR DAKKA!!!

o/Just a quick post this morning, as I'm kinda busy this morning, and I also slacked off on painting this weekend. Nor were any games played either. I did however remove the Vraks gunners from my quad heavy stubber Sabre platforms and replace them with Beastmen...