Death Guard Rhinos #2 and #3

I painted another two Death Guard Rhinos. These models were painted in the same manner as theĀ rhino I showed on Saturday. I made a few changes for these two. I added an additional highlight using the airbrush. I also painted a few more details (lenses, skulls, etc) by...

Death Guard Rhino #1

I finished painting the first Rhino for my Death Guard army. I finished the conversion of this model in March, and started painting it, but didn't finish painting it until now. This is the first 40k vehicle I have painted. I decided to do as much of the painting...

Showcase: 2 painted pirate nobs

I've finally finished painted the two Ork Pirate Nobs I showed as works in progress a few weeks ago. Looking back, I can see it took me two months to get paint on these models. Terrible! Nevertheless, they are finished. In between "Rust and the city"...