Blightwheel Miniatures: Hell’ington Britanic Officer

Blightwheel Miniatures: Hell’ington Britanic Officer

Blightwheel Miniatures makes some awesome 28mm scale models, and back in April I bought several of their resin sculpts as Salute. Here is a Britanic officer from their Hell'ington range - an alternative WW1-looking range, full of gas masks, tin hats and...
Savlar Chem Dogs: Astra Militarum General conversion

Savlar Chem Dogs: Astra Militarum General conversion

Recently had hardly any time to paint (and even less time to take photographs), so apologies for the lack of updates! Real life has been hectic, and I've decided to start concentrating on smaller projects and character models rather than full scale army projects. The...
Astra Militarum: Savlar Chem Dog Ratlings

Astra Militarum: Savlar Chem Dog Ratlings

To keep things fresh, I've taken a small break from the Tyranid project, and used the time to paint up some Ratling Snipers for my Savlar army. Ratlings fit perfectly with the Savlar Chem-Dogs, straight out of the blister. The models were released alongside the...

Savlar Chem Dogs: Using crewmen on 40k vehicles

Today's post is to examine adding interest to your 40k vehicles. I'm mostly going to talk about Imperial Guard vehicles here, because this is an army where you will see a large number of vehicles. However, equally these ideas could be applied to other armies. When you...