
Well, today has been quite successful. Thanks to my buddy Shane at Dicehead Games and Comics, i was able to sell off all my fantasy stuff, and walked out of his store today with - Carnifex Kit - Tervigon conversionHormagant boxSpace Wolves Grey Hunter...

Tournament Aftermath

Solidsnizzle invokingthe Gods of Chaos.Last Saturday was the 40K Tournament at Adventure Games in Dixon City, PA. Turns out that Jawaballs and Fritz didn't show, but there was a good turn out nonetheless. I didn't want to do my Blood Angels a disservice and play my...

The LATCS Event, Tyranids Win!

On Monday the LATCS Podcast guys hosted a tournament (sort of) at Battlegrounds, our local store.  I say sort of, because the prizes were not dependent on your placing in the tournament.  There was an entry fee of $5 which put you in a drawing for several...

BMD-1 Chimera masking test + 2nd Tournament battle report

Greetings.Okay, I went with Tallarn's advice. I watered down the catachan green and applied in around 5-6 coats. I'm beginning to suspect the paint I'm using is a bad one (that's a lot of coats) It actually doesn't look that bad though, or is too thick. However as you...

Crazy Tournament Results

Well, I went, I saw, and I didn't quite conquer. However, seeing as it was my first tournament, I was pleasantly surprised to come in 5th-4th! I ended up facing Deathwing (and losing horribly), Ultramarines (and winning handily), and Space Wolves (and coming very...