Missions, Armylists and Tournament Organisers

I don't normally do the editorial style posts but this is something that has been churning over in my brain for a few weeks if not months now and I want to get it down onto paper/interwebs.  I apologise now if this comes across hugely rantish.  I've recently...

Quarter Master IV 2010

I left just prior to lunch time on Friday and began the long drive down to Brisbane, unfortunately up this way we've had a lot of rain and the roads weren't roads so much as strips of bitumen filled with potholes large enough to swallow my "Shoebox of Death".  I...

Madgrot 2010

So I played in Madgrot this weekend just gone up in Mackay.  We headed up on Friday afternoon and as we drove up I sat in the front seat and marked army lists for Higher Grounds in Adelaide.  We arrived their safely despite travelling up in Wes' newly...

Bling my ride

 Well I had a lot of fun at Orktoberfest and got a reasonable amount of painting done on the Sisters before I went down.  I'm continuing to work on them in preparation for Madgrot Mackay next weekend.I jumped onto Ebay today though and thought I'd share my...

40Kon – The Ringer Army

While In a perfect world I'd have a perfect number of players show up for a tournament, I'd never need a ringer. Alas, we don't live in a perfect world. and nobody wants to pay for an event and sit out for 2 and a half hours. So A ringer is always a necessity. This is...