Sites of Power

 Battle Royale. Once again Da Masta Cheef and I gathered for a 28mm heroic scaled tussle at the Outpost. 1250 points on each side. I continued to see what I could do with the Tyranids and this time he brought Orks. I decided to mix it up a bit. I swapped the...

Doom of Malan’tai and Zoanthrope Friends (Part 2)

 Doomy & Co.After a recent game using the Tyranids, I recognized the need for a bit more variety in my fledgling invasion fleet.  So I decided to get on with my plan to assemble these very old 3rd edition era Zoanthropes as outlined in part one of...

Swarmlord (Part 1)

 Building up the Tyranids has been fun so far, and one of the jewels of my collection, and the army as a whole, is the Swarmlord. This was a gift from Mrs  Neverness for Father's Day 2023 so it ment a lot to me to get this critter built sooner than...

20 Termagants (Part 1)

 These are the twenty termagants that came with the Space Marine II board game.  Despite being pushfit models, they still took a bit of time to assemble. I glued these critters together using a liquid plastic cement as I'm not keen on the notion of having...

Crucible Of Battle

  Opportunity struck and Da Masta Cheef and I were able to organize a game. Unlike our previous games we actually decided to play a Leviathan Game using cards that were included in the Leviathan box set. Of course we drew a wonky deployment zone layout...