The following Army Lists are in no particular order, they represent players and lists of people who actually won major events and not just claim how amazing they are at 4ok on the Interwebs.





Dameon Green Colonial GT Best Overall

Way back in April a few Thunderfire cannons and Kor’sarro Khan did something unthinkable and won the Colonial GT. They of course had the help of Dameon Green as a divine hand. While talk about the rise of Thunderfire Cannons had been whispered before, to actually see them win a major event was validation for this over looked unit. Surprising even more is this army had even more tricks in its bag. Can you ay Land Speeder Storm? It was like someone made a list using the units that only the Space Marine Codex could offer. If there was a blemish it would have to be played out Riflemen Dreads, but still it shouldn’t take away anything from this original and amazing army list.

Tony Kupach Space Wolves Adpeticon Overall Winner

No other player/list was talked about more than Tony’s Wolves. Lucky for him on the biggest stage at the biggest event he actually didn’t cheat this time and ended up winning. What makes this list great is the complete balance it possessed. It was shooty enough, tough enough, mobile enough, and psychic enough. From a meta stand point it accomplished a feat by throwing out the MSU concept as the false divine army list building process necessary to achieve victory. Just like the same way Tony dispatched Stelek at the first year of Nova he proved that a large squad of Grey Hunters is always preferable to small ones. What will be interesting to see is if this type list can still win or will it still need some “extra rules” in order to prevail 😉

Shawn Lowrey Dark Eldar WargamesCon Best Overall

It was a long time coming, but the new Dark Eldar finally won a big one. It also did it in style. It wasn’t a list many had expected instead of being a Dashofpepper Venom spam list it ended up being pain by Incubi, Wrecks, Wyches, and of course the best of all a Razorwing Jetfighter. Just like the year before it was a list that was balanced and played by highly skilled player ended up winning WargamesCon– it didn’t hurt it was also nicely painted. It is one of those armies with so many moving parts that as an opponent you don’t know just how exactly take apart such a monster. Shawn even says he lucked out by not playing Mech Guard, but I like to think his fields would have flickered just enough to defeat even that enemy.

Nick Rose Black Templars Feast of Blades Overall Winner

I cannot talk enough about this army, it is just bad ass.

Instead of going gaga over this again follow the links to all the previous Black Templar coverage.

That does it for the best of 2011 army lists next will be the best blogs of 2011. Should be in for some surprises…