Author: TastyTaste

40k Douche Bag: Feeding the Beast

In the 40k universe one voice stands above the rest as the defender of non-competitive play that person is Andrew Sutton otherwise known as Stelek founder of the website Yes the Truth Hurts. …this is his story. As some of...

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Indy GT Circuit: SoCal Slaughter Results

Here are the results for the latest GT. Here are what the top two tables looked like going into the final round as well as the results sheet provided by Scgwl themselves. The first table saw David Fay CSM go against Justin...

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In Defense of 1500: What does GW want?

Games Workshop wants to make money at least we should hope they do. Does GW sell more models with White Dwarf publishing 2000 point battle reports and having a 2500 Ard’ Boyz competition? It is safe to assume part of GW...

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40k Douche Bag: Redundancy is for the Weak

In the 40k universe one voice stands above the rest as the defender of non-competitive play that person is Andrew Sutton otherwise known as Stelek founder of the website Yes the Truth Hurts. …this is his story. As I was...

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Indy GT Circuit: SoCal Slaughter in Space

One of the larger gaming groups in America is putting on 40k GT for this weekend. I had planned on going down this weekend since it only a short flight away, but it seems that certain members of that community have made it a...

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