Author: TastyTaste

Best of 40k Internet: Lets do the Dip

Have you ever wanted the ability to spit out fully painted Armies? Not enough time to get 100 boyz done? As many of you already know, there is a painting technique that produces fast results and quality results known as Dipping....

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It’s like Tactics: Who do you tour with?

There comes a time when theme army building when you decided that the lack of variety can really eat into the fun factor of playing. Sometimes you just want to mix things up. So when constructing a list of based around Noise...

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40k Douche Bag: Dark Eldar Rumors

I know have ranted about this before, but I cannot help myself. I have new challenge for GW: can you go one year, one measly year without doing anything with Space Marines? Fresh from Gamesday Spain, Robin Cruddace author of the...

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Kublacon 09: 40k Tournament Pics

By popular demand, here are the photos I took at Kublacon’s 40k Tournament. Thanks to fellow 40ker Jon for the use of his high power camera I was able to take pictures of all the armies. There was 60 players and most had...

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