And for your viewing pleasure and critique.Long story short , I had a load of warlocks from trades and long term the 1750 tourney army is getting fleshed out with a proper seer council @ 2.5k so I had 3 of the same model and another pair of duplicates.I figured using...
Well I managed to Acquire some mangled second hand Stormies which I have been rebuilding and converting. I have to do a major emergency scrounge for the old Eldar CCwep sprues and arms as GW seems to think that selling a unit that requires ten men minimum in the book...
No ?…… ok then. So pictures for you quickly then Im buggering off to vassal , gagging for a game. Various shots of Ra from different angles. He ‘declined’ the offer of increased pay for a topless shoot…. my P.A is is still in hospital...
Mmmm hot laser DeathJust gotta do the base and a transfer or two, tomorrow whilst the undercoat on Sir dries.Crystal/Prism detailIn other News Some Reapers turned up, now Sir has some minions to do his bidding.”You , my room ten o’clock , and you …....
First Tank I have painted in an age , god I wish this was guard or marine or something , then I could drybrush the mother****Every single panel line stage 1 (50/50 chaos black and codex) then a blended highlight (of watered fortress) built up where there is an angle...