30k Blood Angel Artificer Sergeant

 o/I'm getting a serious McDonald's vibe from this guy...Well, this was an experiment to which I'm giving the result a solid 'meh'. In my past experience with 30k, prettymuch every squad sergeant (termies aside) has Artificer Armor in hopes of surviving a...

My Inquisitorial Retinue is done!

 o/But who's retinue are they?With these four, I'm calling my participation in this year's Inquisitorial Conclave complete. Originally, these guys were to be Inquisitor Tibadaux's retinue of liberated miners. However, with one guy sleeveless, and the other...

Do NOT make fun of his golden cod piece!

[Insert Cyclonic torpedo joke here]Many a cornered rogue psyker, sorcerer/ess and warlock has no doubt had the same thought: 'Is he really a soulless ginger, or is that just dye?'Whilst you may know this miniature as Janus Draik, of Blackstone Fortress fame (it...

Filling out the officer corps…

...not for any of the same factions mind you. This is kindova shotgun blast of random post covering the various army, or rather 'contingent' commanders that I've painted here of late. As you can see in the pic above, two are for Imperial loyalist factions. One...