Flesh Tearers Army

So ive been fairly quite for the last month or so, busy working and travelling still, anyway ive finally managed to sit down and do some painting. Im doing my 1750 points worth of tourney army ready for the 2011 tournament season in the uk, opening with the Caledonian...

Super Blog Give Away! Winner!

So we had a winner howard from http://howardvauxworkshop.blogspot.com/and a nids codex and dragon forge base are flying over to him now! Howards is now running his own blog give away, so i thought id show abit of support and link him! Go visit and take part and you...

Dragon Forge Base Review

So I have been looking for a new set of bases for my Flesh Tearers army. So after some hunting around I finally settled on dragon forge. Id only heard good things from them and the price was fairly good. Also the major point was the inter changeability of two of the...

Super Blog Give Away!

So this was started by the guys at Santa Cruz, and basically involves giving free stuff away! So i recently entered but lost, however im going to give some stuff away anyway as a kind of mini birthday for 40k bunny ( i cant rmember how long this blog has been going,...

My dirty Secrets out. Im a wargamer!

Soo the story started when i ordered some stuff some gamesworkshop in new zealand for my flesh tearers army. Fast forward a week and im at working cleaning away in the kitchen (i work on the west coast in a hostel in the middle of nowhere)and a box arrives with my...