Finished Ork Boy

I've finished the test model for my Ork army, completed in a short time using basic colours and Army Painter quickshade. I've gone for a muted look for my scheme, but with lighter colours than usual on an Ork. A lot of Ork armies I see on the table are very, very...

Waagghh! – A quick update.

This is what I've been working on over the weekend, thanks to the Assault on Black Reach boxset. Tonight I should get hold of two more lots of AoBR in exchange for an old MP3 player. I'll be using the army painter dip on these orks, or I'll never finish them. Pictures...

Amazing New Forgeworld Tau

This is from the Forgeworld mailing list, and it's pretty cool. They've got a hefty heavy Tau Battle Suit coming out soon. Not sure how much it costs, but I may pick one (or two) up for my Tau army. I've already got a Forgeworld suit, and they truly are steps ahead of...

40K in 50 Minutes – Part 1

I've set myself a small challenge - to assemble and fully paint and base five 500pt armies, for use in quick games of 40K. I've written the lists, and want to get this done by christmas. Many of the models I need are in my bits box, and the rest I can piece together...