Star Destroyer, Large

 Imperial Star Destroyer. One of my all-time favorite starships (Galactica '78, Yamato, Enterprise-Refit, and the K'Tinga are the others in my top five). I have made a couple of the older plastic models, and I have the super fancy Bandai, and the big...

Thunderhawk Stand has a New Home

 The STL for Mrs. Blackheart's Thunderhawk Stand can now be found at:'s free! So get one now.*Thunderhawk not includedLet The Robot Make SomethingJust Keep an Eye on it

The Boltgun, accept no substitutes

 There are many like it, but this one is mine. 3D printing has hit full sized fun!Mrs. Blackheart has gotten a fancy new Prusa XL, (huge, filament 3D printer) so I found  her a project worthy of it. Who has not wanted a full (human) sized Bolter? Well, I'm...

Little Dudes

 Long ago, Adeptus Titanicus was the first Games Workshop product I ever bought. It was quickly followed up by a purchase of the newly released Space Marine a few weeks later. A grand introduction to the fledgling Warhammer 40K universe. I have purchased and...

High Noon…with a Warhound

 When the Stompa and four Deff Dread Gang rolls into you town, you have to make a stand!I just had the urge to see what a Warhound (1100 points) can do in 10th edition.  Who should Lupus Magnus do battle with? A Stompa and 4 Deff Dreads (1320 points) proved...