Mike Newman Speaks…

Chaos DwarfsPart 6 - Bull CentaursAnd we're back. After a short break (some would say too long) for the holidays, its time to return to blogmosphere.I'm going to be lazy though and return with a rather picture heavy blog, featuring my Bull Centaur Renders.I'm a big...

Painting Armies the Golem Way – Part 1

Armies make up a big proportion of the projects we work on at Golem Towers, and we get a lot of questions and comments about how we go about undertaking such a task.I've recently completed a Wood Elf Army and thought it would offer the perfect opportunity to show some...

Raven Guard Part II

Hello one and all again, as promised here is part two of my Raven Guard commission! A few close ups of units and a few units that were not in the last shoot.  Dem sneaky beakies.A Raven Guard Squad Corvarian advance through the ruin of An'korts PrimusRaven Guard...

Pict Perfect

If you were in Golem recently you'd have seen a horde of beareded men in tatty clothes. No! We it wasn't us - the painters - it was an army of Picts.These Iron Age Celts were a commission of largely Foundry miniatures (with some minor conversion work).  They lack...

Going Coastal!

Wargaming is an open an varied beast with a huge range of topics, environments, scales, and settings and my personal favourites have always been small scale wargames depicting massive epic engagements, with a special fondness for fleet based games and the extra...