Troops Choice thought excersize 1

So take a look at the table there.  163 wounds, all up.  I thought to myself, I'll do a single maximum sized platoon with the Camo Guard and see where I get.  Let's see: There's a Commissar, part of the Troops choice entry from the army list. One. ...

DKK vehicle fleet WIP

Of course the vehicle fleet was finished years ago and absolutely did not need any more vehciles.  Mostly because a lot of this stuff was sat in boxes for years.  So Admiral Drax popped up and helped throw a couple more models together. The Macharius. ...

Better picts of the Helgans.

 I did mention that I would try to get better picts of the Helgans, so here they are on a nice day, formed up in front of the Brick of Scrutiny. Command Squad with fearsome unit insignia.A couple of picts showing what they are carrying in fighting order. Carrying...

Some of the Inquisitorial vehicle fleet

  The overly obvious black and red ones, the ones which scream "the Inquisition is here !", venerable mobile armoured shrines to the Imperial creed.  Paint by PirateVikingPainting.

Normal gaming in 2012

 So this is what happens.  I managed to get the Emperor's Children's Landspeeders to within range of the motley array of Eldar.  I was going to burn holes in the vehicles and torch the footsloggers. Because nothing quite says 'not today thank you' as...