Spore Mines (Part 1)

 After my recent game/schooling by Warfrog and his Tyranids, he gifted me some spare bug stuff. One of those was an assortment of the new style Spore Mines. I really like the new, bigger, size and whoever sculpted these things really captured their floaty vibe by...

I’m back!! (hopefully)

So as usual, I've been utterly terrible at keeping up with this blog. I've been in a bit of a hobby funk recently that I've just gotten over, so hopefully I'll be getting a bit more to show you guys soon.I did manage to get these guys done for my AoS Slaanesh though:...

The End of an Era…

 o/Sunset? Or an orbital strike? You decide.Fear not good readers, this is not the end of this here blog, I shall keep it going for all 5 or 6 of you who still peruse it's meagre offerings. That said, this will indeed be my last post made from this blog's...

Adeptus Mechanicus – Sydonian Skatros

Hello Readers, thanks for dropping by. The latest addition to the Adeptus Mechanicus ranks is a Sydonian Skatros, an augmented sniper created by the Adeptus Mechanicus. According to Warhammer.com "Sydonian Skatros is a sinister cybernetic sentinel, stoic and unmoving...

The Emperor’s Finest (Review)

 Original cover.The Emperor's Finest by Sandy Mitchell.. Ciaphas Cain has been around for 20 years now? It's true! And it has been a good while, too long even, since I read a Ciaphas Cain novel and I felt it was finally time to do so. This story begins...