March for Macrage ’24 (Part 2)

 Having knocked out the first two models (Primaris Lieutenant and Titus) within the first fortnight of #MarchForMacragge, it was my intention to complete the Ancient and the Assault Intercessors in equal time. However reality and a looming art deadline kept me...

Star Destroyer, Large

 Imperial Star Destroyer. One of my all-time favorite starships (Galactica '78, Yamato, Enterprise-Refit, and the K'Tinga are the others in my top five). I have made a couple of the older plastic models, and I have the super fancy Bandai, and the big...

Warmaster – How to magnetize bases?

Today, a small guide on how to magnetize the basess of Warmaster models. The question of how to do it often appears on FB groups, so I decided to describe it. Of course, the method below can be used for other figures as long as they are not too heavy. You can also use...

Opus flight deck extension

So, an update on the work on the Opus Magna. For many years now I have been thinking about the flight deck and what I should do with it. One thing that has been bouncing around the back of my head were what to do with the crenelated sides. These comes from the landing...

These little guys again?

 Yeah, not everything measures up to a Space Marine.  This week my new Zombiesmith boxed game arrived! This time with the Quar in (semi) multi-part plastic minis rather than metal, huzzah! Produced by Wargames Atlantic, I've been waiting quite awhile...

These little guys again?

 Yeah, not everything measures up to a Space Marine.  This week my new Zombiesmith boxed game arrived! This time with the Quar in (semi) multi-part plastic minis rather than metal, huzzah! Produced by Wargames Atlantic, I've been waiting quite awhile...