The Boltgun, accept no substitutes

 There are many like it, but this one is mine. 3D printing has hit full sized fun!Mrs. Blackheart has gotten a fancy new Prusa XL, (huge, filament 3D printer) so I found  her a project worthy of it. Who has not wanted a full (human) sized Bolter? Well, I'm...

Przenośny Warsztat Hobbystyczny – HobbyZone (PL VERSION)

Poniższy poradnik to nie jest dokładna instrukcja składania Portable Hobby Station - Base (HZ-OPB1) od firmy Hobby Zone. Jest to raczej zbiór zdjęć z każdego etapu aby ułatwić prawidłowy montaż. Zwróciłem tutaj uwagę  na rzeczy, które mogą sprawiać trudność, lub które...

Portable Hobby Station – HobbyZone (EN VERSION)

Then the guide is not an exact manual for Portable Station - Base (HZ-OPB1) by Hobby Zone. Rather, it is a collection of photos from each stage to facilitate proper assembly. I have pointed out things here that may be difficult or that you may miss. Some "tips...

HeroQuest – Prophecy of Telor

I decided to collect all of Avalon Hill's reissued expansions for HeroQuest. I don't know if I'll ever be able to play them all with my family, but I want to have them in my collection. Today we will take a look at the box of the newest expansion -...

20 Termagants (Part 1)

 These are the twenty termagants that came with the Space Marine II board game.  Despite being pushfit models, they still took a bit of time to assemble. I glued these critters together using a liquid plastic cement as I'm not keen on the notion of having...

2 PHIG missile teams and a Psyker are complete!

 o/Sorcery-in-progress!This week I have an update on the slow progress of my Pointy Helmeted Imperial Guardsmen (PHIGs). I painted up a pysker, and finally finished two of the three missile teams for the heavy weapons squad (I can only do two at a time as I'm...