Last of the Old Slann – on eBay

I think I've located the last of my Old Slann in my bits box and collection. Since I've hardly used them in literally decades, they've gone on to eBay for auction. Each a collectors item in their own right, I'm bundling them up for a single sale. Plenty of rares from...

Force Recon – 308th Void Assault Infiltrators

The World Eater Recon Marines were one of the new units completed in time for the No Retreat: Horus Heresy tournament event in Gibraltar. The infiltrating Line Troops ticked many boxes that were previously missed in my game plan and a Recon squad proved to be a great...

The Snottling Wave Restoration Project (Part 1)

 I recently acquired 12 bases of second-hand snotlings.  Which is quite a lot of mini-green meanness to add to my little green wave.A rambling horde of snotlings.I almost passed on the deal, as the thought of stripping and cleaning these guys was definitely...

Wargames Gallery: Does Plasma Damage Daemonkin?

Faced with a squad of Gal Vorbak bearing down on them, the Iron Warriors support squad opens fire with plasma in the hopes that they can damage the relentless half-marines, half-daemons spawn of the Word Bearers unholy alliance with the powers beyond. [After...

The Red Butchers

The Red Butchers, the mad World Eater Cataphractii Elites are perhaps my favourite unit in the army list, ever reliable and always a proper battlefield terror element! I have had the official Forge World models painted up but felt for a long time I wasn't quite happy...

Great Unclean One Evolution

Many miniatures that have been in the production line have evolved significantly over the years. Ranging from Primaris upgrades of notable independent characters through to more generic icons. Today, I wanted to quickly visit one in the latter category: Great Unclean...

Warmachine: Eilish Garrity and a Tyrant

 The wife and horde were out this evening so i got cracking on a couple more bits for my Orgoth army:Eilish Garrity - Mercenary SoloTyrant Heavy WarjackI went for maximum firepower on this with a high pow AoE gun and a multiple shot gun to shred enemy infantry...