Großer Hund Upgrade

I recently finished a project I had started some time ago, the Machinen Krieger Großer Hund in 1/20th scale. This bench queen started as a submission for the Plastic Posse Podcast group build for the 2023 IPMS National Convention. Although I had completed the...

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Firebrand Cadre

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️2.5/5 stars, but rounded down. Needs something extra to be a solid pick, or lower points cost.Background.Deny the enemy and escape route. Purge the abhumans who possess the taint of chaos. And generally use...

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Pursuer Cadre

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️2/5 stars. Doesn't quite hit the mark for me.Background.These are the ladies that you call when you want someone sniffed out and hunted down. With beasts. And orders to kill on sight. Without...

13th Birthday!

 13 years? Yup, I have been blogging my hobby updates on this Chronicle for 13 years now. I don't normally celebrate this anniversary, and there have been many years when I have totally missed it, but tbis year I thought I might give you folks a behind the scenes...

2nd platoon has arrived!

 o/Just a quick post (indeed, its comparable to my usual Instagram posts) showing off the second platoon of PHIGs (Pointy Helmeted Imperial Guardsmen) that have just arrived. With only 12 poses to choose from, I now have 6 of everybody! It looks like...