Dark Angels – Lava swords, molten metal blades etc.

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I finished #PaintingWarhammer on my Deathwing, but just wanted to show some unseen WiPs of the lava blades. I started with Valejo Game Extra Opaque Heavy Red.Then I stippled on some dark orange in places, then some Troll...

Its Grimsical out there!

o/Normally at this range, there would be a bloody brawl of snout-to-snout combat in progress!I haven't had a whole lot of painting time here of late. Real life has gotten really busy (and is about to get a lot worse!).  Nonetheless, I've snatched a few moments...

Relictors Terminator Chaplain Tarentus – Chaplain #11

Hello Readers, thanks for dropping by. I have a great love for Space Marine Chaplains, I have numerous Chaplains, old and new, and this is my third Terminator Chaplain after the Limited Edition Terminator Chaplain and the original metal Terminator Chaplain.Chaplain...

MIGAWKA – 2024

A quick report from the 2nd edition of the figurine painting competition in Łódź, which took place on April 20, 2024.Szybka relacja z 2 edycji konkursu malarstwa figurkowego w Łodzi, który odbył się 20 kwietnia 2024 roku. READ MORE »

Emperor’s Children Commander

Painting up this command for the Emperor's Children was a good exploration of how to use (and not use) purple colours. Originally I thought about going for a bit more of a metallic sheen, but in the end the purple that came out was not metallic whatsoever. I'm comfy...

Assault Squad and the Rule of Cool

I've been itching to get my hands on the new assault squad for a while now and invested in two boxes worth - one for the Emperor's Children, and one for the World Eaters. This particular build is for the Emperor's Children. Before anyone accuses me of not...

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Eradicator Cadre

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️4/5 stars.The rules are good.Background.From the chamber of vigilance come the literal veterans of the Sisters. These women are the vanguard to take on severe threats from...