Wars of the Roses: Here comes the Ruckus!

 A few of the guys down the club have become rather enamored the Wars of the Roses era skirmish game "Here comes the Ruckus!" produced by Wargames Illustrated based off the Never Mind the Billhooks game by Andy Callan.I've recently been looking at the Hail Caesar...

Adeptus Titanicus – Titans in Manufactorum – Decals

Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my #AdeptusTitanicus Titans. And it's time for decal - the thing I'd most been looking forward to... and yet the process is tedious and somewhat unpleasant. I'm also taking bigger risks -...

Kroot Trail Shaper, Carnivore Long Quill & a Grunt

 o/The Kroot have landed in the Low Country.Following the most recent balance update that was released the other day, I thought I'd give my Tau a look and see how far my army's point total dropped down to this time. Once again the Strike Teams have dropped 5...

Necron Dynasty – Orikan the Diviner

"Time is a weapon like any other. If nothing else, I can simply wait for my foes to rot!"— Orikan the DivinerHello Readers, thanks for dropping by. The latest character to be added to my Unnamed Necron Dynasty is Orikan the Diviner, a powerful Cryptek Chronomancer who...

Half Squad: Emperor’s Children

Behold, a half squad of Emperor's Children assault marines bedecked in a whole lot of decals. The sergeant has a pair of lightning claws with the body being made of resin, while the other marines all have standard armaments except for a power axe sourced from the...

Bolt Action: Trucks!

 These had taken so long to arrive that i had actually forgotten about them haha... surprised i didn't order more thinking i still needed them!That really is everything till V3 comes out!

Amarillo Pattern LeMan Russ

As shown a couple of posts ago. This is the same two tanks with their basecoat on. With a unified colour on the model, they look more homogenous.  I'm liking this look, these are turning out as imagined.  

Scratch Testing Emperor’s Children

I have been experimenting with some scratch marks and making some elongated scrapes in this latest addition to the Emperor's Children.On the shield are several long scrapes done by dragging a sponge with black paint across the surface and then filling in some of the...