The Tau Muppet Auxilaries enter the fray

"Kids, today's letter is "G'. 'G' is for the Greater Good..."Or rather they would have last weekend, but everyone else bailed ceding whatever planet we would have been fighting for to the Tau Empire with nary a shot fired. Scraping for enough points to bring my...

Tau Muppet Auxiliaries-Built and ready for action!

However Shas'Wut aside, paint has yet to be acquired...Yeah they're not much to look at right now, especially as photographing bare metal, or minis primed with light colors wash out terribly due to the glare from the flash.As you can see, I finally got my Tau Muppet...

WYSIWYG in Kill Team…

o/In the Grim Darkness of Kill Team, Chaos Marinesonce again come across as pretty bland...Okay so, I originally made these guys to be 30k Blackshields in pariah armor with pariah bolters (i.e.: kinda shitty power armor and bolters). However after going in a different...


o/The muppet-Tau auxiliaries have not only their first painted mini, but their team leader whom I've dubbed Shas'wut? Here, check him out:During training missions, the fusion blaster's ammocanister is replaced with a silly string can!Dead soul stones...they...