On the Painting Table… June

Time for a bold statement. This month, June 2013, will finally see all my Space Wolves painted, complete and finished. Over 5,000pts of Wolves painted and all my urges to paint more of them satisfied. But what have I got left to complete this aim?To start with I have...

On the Painting Table… May

It's a bank holiday here in the UK and what better way to spend it than clearing out the man-cave and settling down with one solitary aim?This solitary aim is to finally complete my Space Wolves. The last few guys have been hanging around for the last year waiting for...

On the Painting Table… April

Already half way through the month, I will have my work cut out to make much progress on the models I have waiting for some paint, but we all love a trier don't we?So here is a quick look at what I am hoping to get done or, at the very least, get started on.The Dire...

On the Painting Table… March

A new month and a few new targets to throw my paintbrush at! I managed to clear all the previous months targets which I am pretty pleased about and now I can move on to all new models which I haven't looked at painting yet.The first of these are the models you can see...

On the Painting Table… February

A week in to February already? Boy this year is starting to fly by! Anyway, it's time to quickly catch up on what I managed to get done last month and what the plan is for the month ahead.Of the four targets I had last month, I only completed the two Chaos Space...