The first combat squad is completed!

o/And so a new chapter starts to coalesce...Indeed my Incandescent Coyotes need to bolster their numbers quickly as they've already roused the ire of the Black Templars. Luckily that particular crusade is waging war in another segmentum, with the vast gulf of the...

Gettin Dirty Part 2 (The Hounds of Demos)

o/I can't honestly say I have the new weathering washes, contrast paint, or even Agrellan Earth all figured out. However I've managed to get two Hounds of Demos marines to look both fairly similar and for the most part in the way I had originally envisioned (albeit...

Gettin’ dirty…

o/As you all know, I don't like paint 'clean' minis but rather 'dirty' ones, hell even my Eldar are kinda dirty (and not just in their ways of war...). Normally this is achieved with dry brushing on the grime after the slathering of ink has dried. However dry brushing...

The Desert Wolves

o/Picking up from where I left off in my last post:The Desert Wolves. Sadly, no photos exist of this army so I'll just be going off of memory, though I do recall using the above icon as their chapter symbol. The Desert Wolves were one of the first armies I sold...