Author: TastyTaste

Best of 40k Internet: Jervis Johnson Beat Down?

Many have often thought, how cool would it be to battle against the creators of the games we play. To play the rules makers and point out broken rules to them. To play the sculptors of 40k, seeing how they designed their armies....

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It’s like Tactics: How to leave your Mark

You might want something beyond just Noise Marines and have a general force based around Slaanesh, be it Emperor Children or one of your own creation. Theme armies are known for fluff and being ineffective, that does not mean...

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Best of 40k Internet: Dice Cheatin!

I am so amazed at the notion that 40k players would be reduced to cheating for wins! Most people are aware of fudging rules, picking up hits, and moving miniatures one inch too far. What I never knew till a few weeks ago, was by...

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40k Douche Bag: The miseducation of Andrew Sutton

I was getting ready to hit the hay on Friday, when my phone started blowing up from friends informing me, that Stelek of Yes the Truth Hurts had just called me out. I knew it was only a matter of time. I just thought it would...

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Meat for Meta: Washes, sent like mana from Heaven.

I want to let everyone know, I do more than bitch about 40k. I play, paint, and model go figure! So my summer project this year is Eldar. Last year it was Daemons, thanks to an epic deal I picked up from one local store. I try...

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